...is a freeware RPG Maker video game about friends having a slumber party.
The game is currently in development.* Please look forward to its completion
and subsequent release. When there is more to show for the game,
you will be able to find it here.
Thank you for visiting~!❤

An early development screenshot of Slumber Party Otherworld. The playtester is fighting a boss enemy. The opponent is a white anthropomorphic cat with short, stubby limbs. It wears a black suit and has a tail that looks like a flower. The flower bears thorns on its green stem, a smiley face on its disc, and hot pink, white, and light blue colored petals. The background is warped and abstract, depicting upside down smiley faces and polka dots in a distorted tile pattern. The only party member is Carol.
An early development screenshot of the game.
(click image for full size)

toasterfriend & co. 2020-2024.
Everything shown is from a work in progress video game, and is subject to change.

*(the game's development has been temporarily paused to make way for other projects)